Section Two - Imperial Truth

Homers Oddysey

Vaporeon, Remoraid and Octillery frequently come up with bad ideas about spending money which they have not earned. They have almost no intentions to pay it back and use Fake Notes to pretend they are paying back by deals with other betrayers.

Interest Payments On Betrayers In the Dungeons of Money

Betrayers think that there are no consequences for spending money that they have not earned, the Imperium Of Homo Sapiens and Emperor Ryan Grey does not tolerate no payments back and calculated the interest of the money spent on keeping the betrayers going and their ideas of swapping Fake Notes between the other betrayers in Sword Hammer in the Imperium Dungeon.

How the Interest Is Calculated on Spending Money

Money that has been spent on betrayers ideas is calculated between the difference that that money could have earned on GTHedgeFund per year for the period time where they were using the imperiums money.

Money Spent on Ideas - (Money Spent on Ideas) X 1+GTHedgeFund% = Money in Debt

Fake Notes from Swordhammer cannot be used to pay back Money in Debt (GBP)

Swordhammer Debtlist

Imperium Dungeons Debtlist

Swordhammer debtlist as audited by the Imperium of Homo Sapiens